We Have "Horseshoe Crabs in the Classroom"!

Thu, 09/28/2023 - 11:07am

The Glenwood media center is working with The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology to raise horseshoe crabs this school year. 

Horseshoe Crab in the Classroom is a conservation program that helps to increase the horseshoe crab population while also teaching students scientific inquiry and data collection. Students will raise horseshoe crabs from eggs to larvae to juvenile crabs. Students will be responsible for cleaning, feeding, and recording observational data. Data such as water quality, length and width of the horseshoe crabs, and molting intervals will be shared with The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology for further studies on these creatures. 

At the end of the school year, the surviving horseshoe crabs will be given back to the Institute of Marine & Environmental Technology.

If your child is interested in joining this initiative to help and learn, please refer them to the Glenwood Middle School Student Resources course in Canvas.