Students! Are You Looking for a Leadership Opportunity? 2024

Attention Amazing Glenwood Students!

Are you looking for leadership experience? If so, this is for you!  Glenwood is looking for three student delegates to help elect the next Student Member of the HCPSS Board of Education (also known as the “SMOB”)! If you are interested, please read the information below!
What are the roles and responsibilities of a student delegate?
Student delegates will:

  • Serve as a representative of our school
  • Understand the opinions & views of your classmates
  • Understand and promote the role of the Student Member of the Board
  • Participate in Howard County Association of Student Councils (HCASC) delegate training sessions
  • Share Convention experience and continue active participation in the SMOB election process

What is the SMOB Convention?
The SMOB Convention is an annual event attended by 144 student delegates (6 from each High School & 3 from each Middle School) for the purpose of nominating 2 final SMOB Candidates from a pool of applicants. The 2 final SMOB candidates will run in a county-wide election in hopes of becoming the next SMOB. The role of the SMOB is to vote on behalf of the students on the Howard County Board of Education.

How do I apply?
If you are interested, be sure to complete the student delegate application by February 23, 2024.  

What happens after I apply?
Each student who applies will participate in an interview, and our Delegate Selection Committee shall select 1 student delegate from each grade for a total of 3 student delegates from Glenwood. If selected, you will attend a virtual student delegate training on March 14 at 4:00 p.m, and the in-person SMOB Convention on March 20, 2024.  

Where can I find more information?

Don’t forget!  If you are interested in applying to be a student delegate, you must apply by February 23, 2024.   Be sure reach out to Mrs. Shindel if you have questions.