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Is your 7th or 8th grader interested in learning Chinese after school? Please consider enrolling your child/children in the Spring 2023 offering of the HCPSS STARTALK Pilot Chinese Language After-School Program (Virtual). The program is made possible through a generous grant from the National Security Agency.
Please review the information below before submitting an enrollment request. Please DO NOT submit a request if your child cannot commit to attending all 15 program dates.
PROGRAM NAME: Spring 2023 HCPSS STARTALK Pilot Chinese Language After-School Program (Virtual)
DATES: Tuesdays starting February 21, 2023 and ending June 6, 2023 (excluding April 4, 2023), OR
Thursdays starting February 23, 2023 and ending June 8, 2023 (excluding April 6, 2023). Attendance in all 15 classes is required, except in cases of SIGNIFICANT illness and/or family emergency.
TIMES: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM.
LOCATION: Virtual via Google Meet.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The HCPSS STARTALK Pilot Chinese Language After-School Program offers a 15-week immersion program for current 7th and 8th Grade students interested in learning the language and the culture of China. The program will focus on the theme, “2023: A Chinese Odyssey,” where students will build their proficiency in the Chinese language through a virtual trip to China. The students will engage in the journey through a fun and interactive learning environment.
The language instruction program will be complemented with cultural activities such as virtual field trips, computer activities, and cultural games. The focus for novice level students will be on speaking the language, while students at the intermediate level will also develop reading and writing skills.
ENROLLMENT: Enrollment for the Spring 2023 classes is on a first-come, first-served basis. The first 25 students whose parents/guardians complete the form will be placed in the program (25 for the Tuesday class and 25 for the Thursday class). Parents/Guardians may complete enrollment requests via this Google form by Friday, February 17, 2023 at 8:00 am. Families will be notified of acceptance or waitlist status no later than Monday, February 20, 2023.
For any questions or concerns please contact STARTALK@hcpss.org or call (410) 313-5663.