Student Personal Device Use in Schools, effective 3/3/2025

On Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, the Howard County Board of Education approved adjustments to Policy 8080 – Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media, and the Student Code of Conduct that is intended to reduce the use of personal devices by students during the student day. The policy changes will take effect on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Current Board of Education Policy

The Howard County Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools and Social Media guides personal technology device use in schools.

Effective March 3, 2025, HCPSS’ policy on student personal device use is as follows:

  • Students will keep personal technology devices away and silenced and ensure they are not a distraction during the student day.
  • Smart watches may be worn during the student day but may not distract instruction or be used for reasons other than checking the time.
  • A staff member on a school-sponsored field trip may permit the use of a personal technology device by a student in limited situations where capturing a picture or video may be appropriate or contacting a parent/guardian is necessary.
  • School administrators and school administrators’ designees may authorize use of a personal device in rare instances such as an emergency for communication purposes, and when allowed as described in a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 Plan, or Health Plan.
  • Personal laptops may be used for instructional activities in high school.

Compare HCPSS’ new policy on student personal devices with its previous policy. →

Consequences for Policy Violations

If a student’s device is taken, it will be documented on an Office Disciplinary Referral.   

Consequences for general violations of policy

  • If a student’s device is taken, it will be documented on an Office Disciplinary Referral.   First Incident: The personal technology device is confiscated until the end of the student day. Students should turn off or lock devices prior to confiscation. A device that is confiscated during the final period of the student day will be confiscated for the entire next student day. The student may retrieve the device at the end of the day it was originally confiscated to take home but must provide it to the front office upon arrival on the next student day.
  • Second Incident & Beyond: The personal technology device is confiscated until it is retrieved by a parent/guardian. Students should turn off or lock devices prior to confiscation.

Consequences for violations of policy by students who may use personal technology as part of an IEP/504 plan/health plan

  • First Incident: A phone call to the student’s parent/guardian.
  • Second Incident & Beyond: Required conference between the school administrator and parent/guardian, and level 3 responses aligned to the Student Code of Conduct at the school administrator’s discretion.

Key Definitions

Personal Technology Device: Any non-HCPSS device that may be used to send or receive data via voice, video or text. This includes, but is not limited to, mobile phones, e-readers, tablets, personal computers, wearable technology, video recorders or other devices equipped with microphones, speakers and/or cameras.

Student day: From the first bell of the day to the last bell of the day. (Note: this will be during posted school hours if the school does not use bells.)

Away and silenced: Devices are not able to be seen by either the student or staff member and are set to make no noise.