Parent Emergency Communication with Their Student

Translations: Chinese  | Korean | Spanish

Following the recent changes in HCPSS policy and expectations related to personal device use by students during the school day, please review the information below related to communication during emergencies.

Communicating Emergencies at School with Parents/Guardians

If a school-wide emergency occurs, the school will communicate with parents/guardians via email and text. If a situation arises that affects an individual student — they are ill or injured, for example — the school will call the student’s emergency contacts in the order they are listed in Family File. Please be sure to check and update emergency contacts in Family File so they are current and complete.

If a situation occurs where a student needs to get in touch with a parent/guardian during school hours, the front office can assist the student in using a school phone. In rare instances, a school administrator may permit the student to use their personal device.

Communicating Emergencies from Home with Students

If there is an emergency at home or a situation where it is essential for a parent/guardian to get in touch with their student during the school day, the fastest way will be to call the school’s main phone number, which is 410-313-5520. Front office staff can quickly locate your child and pass along information or allow them to take the phone call.

Again, it is important to review all contact information, including emergency contacts, listed in HCPSS Connect and update it as necessary. This will ensure timely communication can happen between school and home.

While it is important that personal technology devices are not a distraction to the school environment, we also want to be sure that students, parents/guardians, and school staff are able to quickly communicate when needed. Thank you for your continued collaboration.