The PTSA is excited to host the "Here We Glow" winter dance on January 24!
Here’s what you need to know…
- The dance will take place on Friday, January 24th** from 6:30 to 9:00 pm. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP NO LATER THAN 9:00 PM.
- Re-entry is NOT permitted! Per HCPSS policy, if a student exits the building anytime during the dance, they cannot re-enter the building.
- In addition to dancing, attendees will be able to hang out/play basketball in the gym or get a professional picture.
- Dress in your GLOWing best (but keep it appropriate!) - or - come as you are!
- Food (pizza, candy, drinks, Sno-Cones) will be available for sale. Please send your student with cash if they would like to enjoy some treats while at the party!
- In the event that there is inclement weather and HCPSS closes school buildings, the event will be rescheduled for January 31st
Tickets & Code of Conduct Form
- Tickets cost $10 each and will only be sold during student lunch periods on January 22, January 23 and January 24. Cash is preferred; checks can be made out to GMS PTSA. Please write your child’s name in the memo. Contact Mrs. Shindel if this cost poses a financial hardship.
- Attendance to the dance is strictly limited to Glenwood Middle students. Guests from other schools and siblings are not permitted to attend.
- In addition to purchasing a ticket, all students will need to turn in a Code of Conduct form with parent signature and contact information for the evening. This form is attached here, will be posted on our class-specific Facebook groups and a hard copy can be picked up in the front office.
This event relies on parent volunteers.
Please consider volunteering at the dance. This event is not possible without the support of our families!
Volunteer sign up:
Dance Permission Slip: Dance Permission Slip / Code of Conduct Form