Donations Requested: Games for Indoor Recess

At Glenwood Middle, we strive to give students the resources and materials to promote strong social skills and group cooperation. With the spring season approaching, we would like to provide our students with indoor recess options. As you begin your yearly spring cleaning, we ask that you keep an eye out for any gently used board games that you would like to donate (although we’re avoiding games with small pieces like Monopoly and Life).

Below you will find some good examples of board games that we are looking for:

  1. Playing cards
  2. Apples to Apples
  3. Uno
  4. Connect Four
  5. Exploding Kittens (card game)
  6. Phase Ten
  7. Trouble

Donations can be dropped off in the Glenwood Middle School front office. As always, thank you for your continued support!