Entries are open for the 36th Annual “Champions of Courage” Black History Month Essay Competition, presented by WBFF Baltimore FOX 45. The competition is open to all Maryland students grades 6 through 12. “ Champions of Courage” is a showcase for students to salute their personal heroes…positive role models who have demonstrated the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspiring them to dream and achieve.
Students can enter by writing a brief essay saluting their “Champion of Courage”. Fifteen (15) essays will be selected and student winners will present their essays on FOX 45, The CW Baltimore, and MyTV Baltimore during January and February 2023. Each essayist will receive a $100 prize.
The three top finalists will be awarded additional prizes and their schools will receive cash awards in their honor. Winners will be announced during a special broadcast on FOX45, myTv Baltimore and CW Baltimore in February 2023.
“Saluting Maryland’s Champions of Courage” Broadcast special will feature the essay winners, community champions, messages from leaders in business, health, government, science and sports. The three (3) top essayists will be announced during the broadcast special.
The deadline for entries is Friday, January 6, 2023. Contest rules and details are available at FOXbaltimore.com/station/contests.
Competition guidelines follow:
36th ANNUAL “CHAMPIONS OF COURAGE”Black History Month Essay Competition
THEME: "CHAMPIONS OF COURAGE”…….Salute a positive role model who has touched your life by sharing the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- The competition is open to all students grades 6 through 12.
- Essays must salute a real person not a fictional character.
- Essays must be read aloud within twenty-five (25) seconds. As a guideline, the essay should be 75 to 90 words.
- Essays must be legible.
- The student’s name, home address, telephone number, school, grade, and teacher’s name must appear on the entry.
- One entry per student.
- Essays will be judged on language art skills and execution of the competition theme.
- Essays become the property of WBFF-TV FOX 45.
- The judges’ decision is final.
Deadline: FOX 45 must receive all entries by Friday, January 6, 2023.
Mail entries to:
“Champions of Courage” 2000 West 41st Street Baltimore, MD 21211 - OR -Email entries to swylie@sbgtv.com
For further information, email swylie@sbgtv.com