Results of Air Quality Testing at Glenwood MS

Dear Glenwood Middle School community:

I am pleased to let you know that the report on the 8/25/15 air quality measurements taken at Glenwood Middle School shows very favorable results.

Aria Environmental, Inc. sampled for mold spore counts and other air quality indicators in 12 indoor and two outdoor locations on Tuesday. This was the first of a series of testing scheduled over the weeks following the upgrade of the school HVAC system.

The results indicate that all indoor spore count measurements were significantly lower than the spore counts found outdoors. Specifically, the indoor spore counts ranged from 1,787 – 8,087 total spores per cubic meter of air, compared to counts measured in the two outdoor locations, which ranged from 33,316 – 34,001 spores per cubic meter.

The results of the other air quality assessments were also favorable. Relative humidity and temperature measurements were found to be within the comfort ranges established by ASHRAE, and measurements for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter were within the acceptable ranges for good air quality in all areas.

Aria’s full report is posted on the school website.

Some staff members have also expressed concerns about air quality in portables. Beginning next week, Aria will perform the same assessments in each portable as in the other rooms.

I also want to update you regarding Tuesday’s report of suspected mold in a classroom. As I previously informed you, the visual inspection by our environmental expert indicated no presence of mold. However, the items in question have been provided to Aria for more exhaustive testing as a precautionary measure, and we expect to receive the results of this testing early next week.

I will continue to keep you informed of the results of upcoming air quality assessments.

— Robert Motley, Principal